Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Wedding Websites.....

There are SO many resources about wedding planning on the web! Sometime I search and – if I were the bride – feel frustrated. How many pages brides go through to find information they will actually use? I DO know for sure that they are the busiest people in the world (ok may be not in the world but THEY ARE busy!) So I am very picky about choosing the websites where I put my ad…

There are a few websites that I like:

1. www.mywedding.com – absolutely clean, easy to navigate site. Best vendors in town advertise there. I like it because it’s not overwelming or cluttered. Just the vendors and wedding planning tools. AND they did mention my book at their blog! I do have my ad at www.mymiamiwedding.com
2. www.getmarried.com – such an exiting website! I absolutely love the colors and modern design. It is just about everything related to the wedding. But the best part is – it’s on TV! I think bridal forums is such a great place to get referrals or info… those who already went through a whole process now can teach the new brides!

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